Ace Makers

Ace Makers First Tee’s Capstone Experience
Ace Makers is First Tee Utah’s Capstone for teens who are committed to improving themselves and accomplishing great things – as a golfer, as a person, or both.
Ace Makers gives participants the standard First Tee curriculum augmented by a heightened golf learning experience with an emphasis on on-course play and tournament preparation.
Ace Makers, starting at age 13 or 8th grade and continuing through age 18 or high school graduation. It requires the approval of the lead coach to participate. Ace Maker kids will work towards Ace designation.
Ace is the capstone First Tee experience. Regular First Tee classes are about the every day, now. Ace is about preparing for the future. Ace kids will engage in self exploration, develop leadership skills, and invest themselves in their community. Ace is project-oriented and individually tailored with the mentoring of a senior First Tee coach.
Ace Makers and Ace participants will be better prepared to compete for the range of amazing opportunities provided by both the national First Tee organization and First Tee Utah. These include leadership camps, entrepreneurship training, education and career preparation programs, golf tournaments and college scholarships.
Registration is $100 per month, which includes First Tee curriculum, golf instruction, green fees, practice sessions and coach mentoring. Classes are 2-3 hours weekly. We hope you will join us and become an Ace Maker.
For questions or more information please contact
Paul Pugmire: President, First Tee Utah, [email protected], 801.860.4507
Jay Watters: Program Director, [email protected],
Brent Shaver: Ace Makers Lead Coach, [email protected], 727.422.9822
Ace Makers will include a Youth on Course Membership. Once you receive your Youth On Course GHIN from Coach Paul, download the YOC Member App and create your account and digital YOC Membership Card.
We use an online registration portal. Please follow the steps below.
Step 1: After clicking on the Register button, click on the LOG IN button in the top left corner. Log in or create a new account. (Returning users should use the same email address used in past registrations.)
Step 2: Register your child for your desired class by adding the class to the cart.
Step 3: Once you add your child(ren) to the cart, click PROCEED TO CHECK OUT.
Step 4: Continue the registration by filling out the participants contact information and answering the questions.
Step 5: Checkout and pay for all sessions and all children you are registering all at once.
How Do I Apply for Financial Assistance?
First Tee — Utah will never turn a child away from our programs do to an inability to pay. We work with families so their child may participate in our programs.
Applying for Financial Assistance is part of the registration process. Please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Register your child for your desired class by adding the class to the cart.
Step 2: Once you add your child(ren) to the cart, click PROCEED TO CHECK OUT.
Step 3: Continue the registration by filling out the participant’s contact information and answering the questions. When you get to the Financial Aid Page, please click that you would like to apply. Answer the questions and click continue.
Step 4: Select the participant(s) that you would like to receive consideration for aid. A notification will be sent to the First Tee — Utah staff and we will review and approve your request.
Step 5: Upon approval you will receive an email with directions to complete your registration. Please note you ONLY have 48 hours to log back in and finalize. If you do not log back in, your registration will be voided, your child’s space will be released, and you will need to start the process over.
The First Tee as a nationwide organization will now be asking the following mandatory questions as part of our registration process for anyone who wants a scholarship for their child:
This data is for statistical purpose only and helps us in securing grants to provide financial assistance. Your answers will not impact your request as it is our policy at First Tee — Utah to grant financial assistance to anyone who asks.